This page will build to a miscellany of notes and articles, most astrological, some not. I will add to it as I find time and inspiration.
What is the Tradition in Astrology? The Carter Memorial Lecture KEYNOTE: READ THIS ONE FIRST
A Note on Prediction: It's not quite so simple.
All for Love: The Astrological Underpinning of Antony and Cleopatra
Botticelli's Mystic Nativity: What's so mystic about this nativity?
Bright Star: The astrology of Keats' great sonnet.
Conversations on Natal Astrology, 1
Conversations on Natal Astrology, 2
Conversations on Natal Astrology, 3
Extract from Natal Volume: George Orwell
The Guy with the Eye: Hot gossip from astro-world.
Void of Course: A note on meaning
Vox Lillii Vox Dei: a look at one of Lilly's judgements
Will Dundee Die? a detailed example of horary judgement
John's Guide to London - nothing astrological, just some tips for tourists
Astro-stamps: a little curiosity, courtesy of the Polish post office.
Libre albedrío y predestinación
Todo por amor: Las bases astrológicas de Antonio y Cleopatra
¿Qué es la tradición en la astrología?
La música más hermosa del libro "The Real Astrology Applied"
Qu’est-ce que la tradition en astrologie?
Tiparele astrologice din Odiseea (I)
Tiparele astrologice din Odiseea (II)