Coming Events
Friday evening to Sunday, November 24-26th, 2017.
‘What does he really feel about me?’ ‘Will I get the job?’ ‘Where is my cat?’ These are the really important questions in life – and we will not find answers to them by looking at the birthchart. We can find answers with horary, the astrology of questions. Quick, precise, and straight to the point, horary is by far the most useful tool for most astrological investigations.
In this interactive, chart-based, workshop John, internationally acknowledged as a master of the craft, will show just how quick, precise, and to-the-point horary can be. He will make the basic principles clear to beginners, while showing those with more knowledge how judging such charts can be far simpler than they ever imagined.
It being the day of Venus, the Friday evening lectures will be devoted to questions of love. Then over the weekend John will discuss charts on career issues, medical matters, lost objects, relocation, money, pregnancy, politics... and all the wide range of topics on which horary charts can shed light.
All lectures in English, with Russian translation.
Full details and booking are here: