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John Frawley, horary astrology, real astrology, traditional astrology, horary astrologer, horary tuition, natal astrology, sports astrology, horary textbook, William Lilly, Apprentice Books, The Astrologer's Apprentice


Horary is the branch of astrology that provides clear, specific answers to specific questions. Quick, simple, and accurate, horary was for centuries the most valuable tool in any astrologer's work-box. Whether the question be on love, career, illness - or predicting the weather for a barbecue, this clear and comprehensive guide by a modern master of horary shows you how to answer it.The first edition of this book quickly established itself as a classic of astrological teaching. Now this master of the craft shares his deepening understanding, bringing what he has learned in the intervening years of teaching and practice to clarify, expand upon, and correct the original text. With the wit and lucidity that characterise his writing, the author guides all from beginners to seasoned practitioners to the very heart of horary astrology.



Frawley’s prowess as a horary astrologer is awesome. – The Mountain Astrologer.



Paperback edition: £24.00, $45.00US

Hardback edition: £35.00, $60.00US

Ordering: The book is available through all the usual sources, or direct from us.

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© 2025 by John Frawley

Website built by Leah Cuperman

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